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The Shortcut Baby Food Review

It goes almost without saying that breast is best whenever possible.

Unless there are known medical contra-indications every mother should try to breast feed her baby. Not only is it easier and more economical – no mixing of formula at 2 am. And you don’t have to chase around the shops spending a considerable amount of money, but antibodies against a number of diseases will be passed to baby via the breast milk. And you will of course spend a lot of time bonding with your child.

Also you are less likely to give baby infections passed on by careless sterilization methods or baby mixed formula. And after all, you are trying to raise a human being, not a calf or a billy goat. Consult theBreastfeeding Bible for practical advice about getting the most for your baby.

You may also want to ready thebaby food guide for more food review

That doesn’t mean that you don’t need bottles because there will be occasions when you want to express milk or to give baby a drink of water. And until your baby is crawling around, playing with a kitten or putting just about anything in his mouth, bottles and other equipment should be sterilized.

You also need to be able to keep prepared feeds in a cool place such as a fridge. baby food review

Very young children just do not have a well enough developed immune system to contend with all the bugs that live unseen in even the cleanest kitchen. You can give up sterilizing once baby is crawling at about 9 months of age as you would just be wasting your time. However everything should of course still be as clean as you can make it.

Not everyone is able to breast feed or to carry it on as long as they would like, for whatever reason, so…

What Is The Truth About Formulas?

Unless you are advised to do so by your pediatrician don’t worry about specialist feeds such those without lactose or made from soy. Do take advice and ensure that the formula you use is designed for a baby at the stage yours has reached.

Which ever formula is finally chosen it will have been tested as safe by groups such as the F.D.A. and their equivalent in other countries. So, whether you choose the most expensive food or a cheaper type, the formula will have been designed to feed your baby well. That being said you must follow the directions properly.

Pushing down the feed in the scoop or adding ‘one for luck’ will mean that your baby doesn’t get the formula as it was designed. Nor will over diluting the food to make it go further.

Baby Food Review #3
What Should I Do About Sterilization?

Bottles, teats etc. must be sterilized. You can purchase sterilizing units, but if these aren’t available as when you are visiting relatives, you can sterilize a bottle in any plastic tank with the appropriate chemicals.Sterilizing by boiling is no longer recommended or really effective.

Bottle feeding babies with formula will bring about some changes.

Their stools will change in color and be firmer, much more like an adult stool. There is an increased chance of constipation and of colic. Here's a resource you can consult if that happens.

Breast milk is complex – it changes during a feed from the thin fore milk which gives baby a refreshing drink, to the much richer hind milk, full of nutrition. This just isn’t possible with formula.

Eventually of course baby will want something more than either breast milk or formula though these should be continued alongside weaning food.

Baby Food Review #4
Which First Foods Should You Give And Which Should You Avoid?

It is recommended that gluten rich cereals are avoided at first, wheat, barley and so on. Some would include oats in that list. Rice is fine. Meat should not be among first foods and nor should carrots which can be very high in nitrates.

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