- Step1
Develop a plan to fund your baby store. You will need start-up capital for such expenses as the leasing of retail space, baby-related merchandise, staff, taxes and office equipment. As you will want to decorate your store in a unique, colorful style that will appeal to customers shopping for baby merchandise, estimate design expense, as well. Having a store with an Internet presence will mean factoring in the cost of website design, maintenance and hosting. You can fund your baby store with personal capital, loans from family or friends, bank loans or funding from other investors such as venture capitalists.
- Step2
Write a business plan. If you are writing a business plan yourself, books and online resources can offer suggestions on how to create one. Your business plan will need to include specifics such as the need for funding and an outline of your baby store in detail, such as your plan for selling either upscale baby clothing or consignment infant and toddler furniture. Also, reference your plan to market your store to new parents, grandparents and others shopping for baby gifts. Your business plan is a strategic blue print for your success.
- Step3
Select a location for your baby store. Open your store in a high-traffic, high-visibility area, such as a thriving downtown or a shopping mall. Consider the proximity of your store to a big retailer, such as Babies-R-Us; being nearby can help or hurt you, depending on your inventory and prices. Consider the type of customers you are hoping to attract when selecting a location. If your baby store will offer better-quality, unique or more expensive items, open your business in a more affluent community.
- Step4
Determine which merchandise you will sell in your baby store and where it will come from. A baby store can focus on specific products such as clothing and bedding or expand to include toys and furniture. Your store may carry more exclusive brand names, hard-to-find merchandise and other items seldom found in a department store or chain big-box baby store, such as Babies-R-Us. Research wholesalers and other vendors who will supply your merchandise.
- Step5
Market your new baby store specifically to those who may be purchasing baby items. Your target market includes women who are expecting or have infants, new or soon-to-be grandmothers, godmothers and people purchasing gifts for baby showers or first birthdays. Place ads in local publications frequently read by women and if permitted, put flyers or brochures in cafes, gyms, yoga studios, child care centers and other places where women gather. Offer coupons and discounts to draw in first-time customers.
The ultimate online resource for parents and parents to be
How to Open a Baby Store
The Shortcut Baby Food Review
It goes almost without saying that breast is best whenever possible.
Unless there are known medical contra-indications every mother should try to breast feed her baby. Not only is it easier and more economical – no mixing of formula at 2 am. And you don’t have to chase around the shops spending a considerable amount of money, but antibodies against a number of diseases will be passed to baby via the breast milk. And you will of course spend a lot of time bonding with your child.
Also you are less likely to give baby infections passed on by careless sterilization methods or baby mixed formula. And after all, you are trying to raise a human being, not a calf or a billy goat. Consult theBreastfeeding Bible for practical advice about getting the most for your baby.
You may also want to ready thebaby food guide for more information.baby food review
That doesn’t mean that you don’t need bottles because there will be occasions when you want to express milk or to give baby a drink of water. And until your baby is crawling around, playing with a kitten or putting just about anything in his mouth, bottles and other equipment should be sterilized.
You also need to be able to keep prepared feeds in a cool place such as a fridge. baby food review
Very young children just do not have a well enough developed immune system to contend with all the bugs that live unseen in even the cleanest kitchen. You can give up sterilizing once baby is crawling at about 9 months of age as you would just be wasting your time. However everything should of course still be as clean as you can make it.
Not everyone is able to breast feed or to carry it on as long as they would like, for whatever reason, so…
What Is The Truth About Formulas?
Unless you are advised to do so by your pediatrician don’t worry about specialist feeds such those without lactose or made from soy. Do take advice and ensure that the formula you use is designed for a baby at the stage yours has reached.
Which ever formula is finally chosen it will have been tested as safe by groups such as the F.D.A. and their equivalent in other countries. So, whether you choose the most expensive food or a cheaper type, the formula will have been designed to feed your baby well. That being said you must follow the directions properly.
Pushing down the feed in the scoop or adding ‘one for luck’ will mean that your baby doesn’t get the formula as it was designed. Nor will over diluting the food to make it go further.
Baby Food Review #3
What Should I Do About Sterilization?
Bottles, teats etc. must be sterilized. You can purchase sterilizing units, but if these aren’t available as when you are visiting relatives, you can sterilize a bottle in any plastic tank with the appropriate chemicals.Sterilizing by boiling is no longer recommended or really effective.
Bottle feeding babies with formula will bring about some changes.
Their stools will change in color and be firmer, much more like an adult stool. There is an increased chance of constipation and of colic. Here's a resource you can consult if that happens.
Breast milk is complex – it changes during a feed from the thin fore milk which gives baby a refreshing drink, to the much richer hind milk, full of nutrition. This just isn’t possible with formula.
Eventually of course baby will want something more than either breast milk or formula though these should be continued alongside weaning food.
Baby Food Review #4
Which First Foods Should You Give And Which Should You Avoid?
It is recommended that gluten rich cereals are avoided at first, wheat, barley and so on. Some would include oats in that list. Rice is fine. Meat should not be among first foods and nor should carrots which can be very high in nitrates.
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Is Your Baby Necessarily Need Shoes?
by: Diana Claire |
When you came up with such question, what will be your answer? You understand that your baby always in your arm and your baby cannot walk yet. So, what the need of shoes for your baby? Don't get confuse. Your baby is growing. She has different stages of growth; of course she needs different stages of babyshoes. Although some would say that letting your baby barefoot is okay, but still you need something to cover her feet. Yourbaby should have shoes to keep her feet warm such as soft-sole baby shoes which are made of light and flexible cloth that provides an extra layer of warmth. There are three categories of soft-sole baby shoes for your kid which include smooth leather sole, suede leather sole and rubber sole. All are made for your baby from the early age up to a few months. These types of baby shoes are made resembling your baby being barefoot. It serve to protect the foot from cold, dirt, glass, uneven surfaces, tree roots, gravel, wooden decks, rocks etc. Many medical experts agree that barefoot is best, but not practical when standing, pulling up, cruising or walking. You might find moccasins as an example of soft-sole baby shoes. Moccasins are nothing more than leather sewn around the foot. The moccasin has absolutely no structure to get in the way of the foot doing what it wants to do naturally. Moccasins have either smooth leather or suede leather bottoms which are sewn to the leather top part. As your baby begins to be more active, the shoes change a little. You need more appropriate shoes for this age which are much sturdy. At this stage, there are so many styles of baby shoes. You can find for your baby girl or boy. The shoes also serve as protections while your baby already crawling or scooting. The next stage of your baby's shoes development is when your baby begins to walk. Shoes are important apparel for your baby. The style of the shoe is not as important as the protection and guidance a baby gets from those shoes. When thebaby reaches the walking stage, it is probably time to spend a little more on a shoe that will support baby and protect his feet well. When your child is getting bigger, you have to find more proper shoes that could protect your child feet from dangerous stuffs. In the first three years, your child feet undergo the most rapid growth and the average will grow several sizes. In fact, children's feet are not fully formed until their teens. You must understand that size are different from manufacturer to manufacturer, shoe sizes will often vary from brand to brand. Leather is the most popular material for children's shoes because it lets air in while keeping moisture out, meaning feet stay cool and dry in most conditions. This is important because a child's foot perspires twice as much as an adult's. And since kids are tougher on shoes than adults, leather is also more popular than other materials because of its durability qualities. |
Cover Story: Taking baby steps
It's not easy to commit to a huge resolution, so why not make little adjustments to our habits as we start the New Year? SYIDA LIZTA AMIRUL IHSAN and ZUHAILA SEDEK offer some suggestions. RESOLUTION? Oh, that is so last century!
The problem with having one resolution as we change the calendar is that we tend to aspire to do something big — sometimes unattainable — like losing the extra 10kg or quitting smoking. And then we hinge on that expectation for 12 months when life is more than just about being thin and quitting a bad habit.
The best way is to do things gradually, starting with doing less of a bad habit and more of a good one. Small things count and small changes will go a long way. Here’s a list of what you could do less of and what you can do more of ... something to ponder on as we usher in yet another year.
The next time you go to the nearby grocery store, walk, don’t drive. It’s a good way to get your body moving in the increasingly sedentary modern lifestyle of ours and it’s better for the environment, too. Push your baby in a stroller, take your dog for a walk or go jogging at the park. The fresh air will do you good.
Spend some time on your feet — jogging and walking will do your body good.
Think twice before you throw. As much as you can, reuse bottles and containers. Buy refill packs when available. Use cotton bags when you shop because this will reduce the use of plastic bags. Opt for cloth diapers for babies. Recycle old newspapers, glass and plastic bottles. Take a stand and help reduce the garbage we produce.
You don’t have to be Anthony, Nigella, Gordon or Jamie to sizzle in the kitchen. Even if you are a beginner, you can start with simple recipes you can get from the Net. The upside of cooking from scratch is that you know what goes into your food, have complete control over the ingredients and determine the freshness of what you cook. In short, the meal is more nutritious. Eating out sometimes means unhealthy eating, and for families, would cost more too.
What’s the point of hating and arguing with each other when we can solve our disagreements in a painless, diplomatic way? Shouting and yelling is so yesterday. Instead, focus more on solutions. As corny as it sounds, it’s true when therapists say that when you argue, argue for the relationship and solutions, not for your ego.
You know the old adage — stand on your own two feet? Surprisingly, some people forget this. Whether it’s a husband depending on his wife to look after the children until she doesn’t have even a little bit of time for herself, or a wife utterly dependant on her husband for even the smallest of errands, or a perfectly healthy adult still hanging on to parental financial support, it’s time to get back on your feet again and gain, to some extent at least, a degree of independence.
It has been printed on mugs and bumper stickers that “courage is what it takes to stand up and speak. Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen”. When it comes to children, it’s easier to scold and shut them up... “because I’m your parent and I say so”. End of discussion. But why not listen to what they have to say? Parents may learn something from their children. Be dismissive with them and they will grow up to be self-absorbed and dismissive themselves.
It may be cruel to keep calling the television the “idiot box”, considering it can open our eyes to places and show us new discoveries. But nothing beats the powerful force of the imagination when you read. Reading opens up a whole new world and lets you travel the globe through the pages. It’s an old-fashioned hobby, admittedly, what with video games and cable TV dominating homes. But whoever thinks highly of a well-watched person?
True, spending boosts the economy. But how about trying to save for something bigger, like a European holiday or starting your own at-home business instead of buying a new pair of designer shoes every other month? Try not to go for instant gratification, because the more you invest, the bigger your rewards.

Learn to give to those in need.
Gossiping about others reflects insecurity. We all sometimes take comfort in talking about other people’s flaws but maybe it’s time to slow it down. Gossiping is a habit and slowing down requires time. A trick is to think twice before saying anything. And use the time instead to think about ourselves, our flaws and how to improve them.
Family first. This phrase is relevant to us no matter which era we are in. There are moments when we might be taking our family for granted and that should not be the case. After all, at the end of the day, our family is the one whom we would turn to when the world comes crashing down or when we need a shoulder to cry on.
In today’s highly-commercialised world, it’s always about “I” and very little about “You”. So how about giving the underprivileged a helping hand? Pledge a donation to your preferred charity organisation or buy necessities for shelters like orphanages. Your gift will bring cheer and hope to them.
Not only should you be doing this to the person who might have hurt you, most importantly, you must do it to yourself. Start accepting what you did in the past because there is no point of living in a prison of the past. It’s the New Year, so carry on and be the best that you can. We are not perfect, so don’t expect others to be. In the words of filmmaker Yasmin Ahmad, “Why do we go around seeking perfection but expect others to accept us for being imperfect?”
Most of us have been guilty of this at one time or another. Aside from the mandatory lunch break, we take coffee breaks, cigarette breaks or post-lunch tea breaks. Well, the time has come to break the habit. It’s time that we be more productive. Show your potential at your workplace and stop wasting time. This way, you can finish work faster and leave for home earlier.
The key to losing weight, as written by nutritionist Marion Nestle in her eye-opening book What to Eat consists of just those four words above. Take in less calories but move your body more, be it exercising in the gym, gardening or doing household chores. If you want to lose weight, this is a good starting point.
If you are trying to kick the habit, try exercising. According to quitsmokingsupport.com, exercise plays an important role in quitting smoking. The reason? Cigarettes help alleviate stress for smokers. When they quit, the stress level will rise. Exercise is also a stress reliever and can replace that dependence on cigarettes. The website also found that smokers who regularly exercise have a much higher quit-smoking rate compared with those who just attempt to quit.n
You don’t have to be Anthony, Nigella, Gordon or Jamie to sizzle in the kitchen. Even if you are a beginner, you can start with simple recipes you can get from the Net. The upside of cooking from scratch is that you know what goes into your food, have complete control over the ingredients and determine the freshness of what you cook. In short, the meal is more nutritious. Eating out sometimes means unhealthy eating, and for families, would cost more too.
What’s the point of hating and arguing with each other when we can solve our disagreements in a painless, diplomatic way? Shouting and yelling is so yesterday. Instead, focus more on solutions. As corny as it sounds, it’s true when therapists say that when you argue, argue for the relationship and solutions, not for your ego.
You know the old adage — stand on your own two feet? Surprisingly, some people forget this. Whether it’s a husband depending on his wife to look after the children until she doesn’t have even a little bit of time for herself, or a wife utterly dependant on her husband for even the smallest of errands, or a perfectly healthy adult still hanging on to parental financial support, it’s time to get back on your feet again and gain, to some extent at least, a degree of independence.
It has been printed on mugs and bumper stickers that “courage is what it takes to stand up and speak. Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen”. When it comes to children, it’s easier to scold and shut them up... “because I’m your parent and I say so”. End of discussion. But why not listen to what they have to say? Parents may learn something from their children. Be dismissive with them and they will grow up to be self-absorbed and dismissive themselves.
It may be cruel to keep calling the television the “idiot box”, considering it can open our eyes to places and show us new discoveries. But nothing beats the powerful force of the imagination when you read. Reading opens up a whole new world and lets you travel the globe through the pages. It’s an old-fashioned hobby, admittedly, what with video games and cable TV dominating homes. But whoever thinks highly of a well-watched person?
True, spending boosts the economy. But how about trying to save for something bigger, like a European holiday or starting your own at-home business instead of buying a new pair of designer shoes every other month? Try not to go for instant gratification, because the more you invest, the bigger your rewards.
Learn to give to those in need. |
Gossiping about others reflects insecurity. We all sometimes take comfort in talking about other people’s flaws but maybe it’s time to slow it down. Gossiping is a habit and slowing down requires time. A trick is to think twice before saying anything. And use the time instead to think about ourselves, our flaws and how to improve them.
Family first. This phrase is relevant to us no matter which era we are in. There are moments when we might be taking our family for granted and that should not be the case. After all, at the end of the day, our family is the one whom we would turn to when the world comes crashing down or when we need a shoulder to cry on.
In today’s highly-commercialised world, it’s always about “I” and very little about “You”. So how about giving the underprivileged a helping hand? Pledge a donation to your preferred charity organisation or buy necessities for shelters like orphanages. Your gift will bring cheer and hope to them.
Not only should you be doing this to the person who might have hurt
Most of us have been guilty of this at one time or another. Aside from the mandatory lunch break, we take coffee breaks, cigarette breaks or post-lunch tea breaks. Well, the time has come to break the habit. It’s time that we be more productive. Show your potential at your workplace and stop wasting time. This way, you can finish work faster and leave for home earlier.
The key to losing weight, as written by nutritionist Marion Nestle in her eye-opening book What to Eat consists of just those four words above. Take in less calories but move your body more, be it exercising in the gym, gardening or doing household chores. If you want to lose weight, this is a good starting point.
If you are trying to kick the habit, try exercising. According to quitsmokingsupport.com, exercise plays an important role in quitting smoking. The reason? Cigarettes help alleviate stress for smokers. When they quit, the stress level will rise. Exercise is also a stress reliever and can replace that dependence on cigarettes. The website also found that smokers who regularly exercise have a much higher quit-smoking rate compared with those who just attempt to quit.n